Sunday, October 11, 2009

Energy Healing

My struggle with depression has been a topic in several past posts. My blog has been silent the past few months as I have attempted to deal with some very heavy personal issues. It is my desire for this blog to be uplifting and inspirational. Today, I can say I have been truly blessed in ways I never thought possible just a few short weeks ago. My life is being transformed by what I will call Energy Healing.

Coming from a very religious Christian sort of upbringing, the term Energy Healing probably sounds foreign. However, my first understandings of it are really rooted in this tradition. I grew up in a community that believed God heals through faith. In the past, I have been used as an instrument of healing for people with various physical and emotional ailments. Usually what happened was I would feel particularly inspired to pray for those people. The words seem to come to me and I always felt a curious energy not normally inside of me that seemed to radiate to the person or people I was praying for. The key word here is ENERGY. A Christian would probably call it the power of God or the power of the Holy Spirit. When it happens, it is palpable, both to me and the person I am praying for.

Within the past year, I have been made aware of a healing technique known as EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. To give a brief understanding, it is a method of tapping on specific places on the body which are known acupunture points to clear blocked paths of energy, all the while saying key phrases that bring your emotions to the forefront. It has been used to successfully treat all kinds of ailments, including pain, phobias and many sorts of trauma. Over the course of the year, I have made use of this technique to help improve things such as mood, self-esteem, etc. often times finding tears flowing suddenly as these emotions became unblocked.

Several days ago, I was listening to an online interview done by a wonderful healer named Jennifer McLean in a series entitled "Healing With the Masters". (You can sign up to listen to these talks for FREE at This past Thursday, Jennifer interviewed Dr. Pat Carrington, a clinical psychologist who makes use of EFT in her practice. Dr. Carrington's approach to EFT was a little different than anything I had every heard before. While she uses traditional tapping points, she is able to get you back to positive emotional states by having you remember times in your life when you felt happy and in control while you are "tapping".

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit with an old friend from high school. Over the course of several hours, we talked and laughed about old times and caught each other up on our current lives. After I got home, it dawned on me that being with my friend brought back very positive emotions from a time when I felt happy, energetic and optimistic. I realized I could use these feelings to help bring myself back to this extremely positive way of feeling.

I am very happy to report I am well on my way to maintaining a much more positive outlook on life! I actually woke up feeling bad at 4:00 this morning. I remembered to tap using my new phrases (Even though I feel tired and stressed out, I choose to feel like I did when I was in high school--popular and winning awards). Today, I feel incredible!!! Happy, thankful, cleansing tears have flowed freely out of me today as I remember those feelings! It has been a long time since I have felt this happy!

If you are interested in using energy to heal yourself, I highly recommend the following sites: (the official EFT website--sign up for free detailed EFT instructions, support and newletters) (a site where you can find various classes and products by Dr. Carrington) (Jennifer McLean's healing website)

Wishing health and healing for you all!

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