Saturday, November 17, 2012

Forty Days of Light: Day Seven Meditation

This morning seems pregnant with possibility! Time to use the energies available to us to create our ideal world! Problems like greed and war and poverty and starvation no longer exist. In this ideal world, everyone is doing work they enjoy (so it is not work!). Everyone has healthy food to eat and warm clothing to wear and a nice place to live. No one is dependent on anyone else, although in such a society we are all interdependent on each other because we all have our piece of the puzzle to play. It is a society where everyone is connected to their hearts, which in turn connect us to Oneness.

Jesus in his teachings likened people to various parts of the body. We all do different things--play different roles--but the body is just not quite complete if it is missing an eye, or a hand, or a leg or a lung. It is this singleness of purpose that makes us all fit together into one harmonic whole.

The meditation piece I chose to listen to this morning makes we think of the magic that is still present and available in the world--as long as we take the time to look for it. It is the magic of creation, the power of which each and every one of us possess.
Sit back, close your eyes and allow the magic to envelop you!

Today's Prayer For Light:
Source of all creativity,
We ask for your Divine assistance to inspire as to a new way of thinking, a new way of life. We desire to rise above our present challenges by taking new paths, thinking new thoughts and acting in new ways. We know we were not meant for a life of drudgery and gloom but to use our gifts and talents to the best of our abilities for the benefit of all. We can envision a world we wish to live in and take the actions necessary to bring it to fruition.

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